SafeBreach Labs has updated the Hacker’s Playbook™ with simulations based on the recent Equifax breach, as described in CVE-2017-9805, and CVE-2017-5638, which focus on two vulnerabilities in Apache Struts 2 that both lead to remote code execution.
Customers can use these simulations to safely test their security controls against the specific tactics and techniques used in this attack. As more attacks are made public, SafeBreach Labs will continue to update the playbook with new methods.
To assess security control effectiveness against these techniques, the SafeBreach Breach and Attack Simulation Platform specifically tests the following endpoint and network security controls:
Playbook #1360, and #1367 – Exploitation via HTTP and HTTPS
- Network Controls – are security controls in place that prevent the specific maliciously crafted HTTP GET/POST request used in these attacks?
The SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook™ of breach methods simulates these breach scenarios, and thousands more, without impacting users or infrastructure. Breach methods are constantly updated by SafeBreach Labs, our team of offensive security researchers, to help keep customers ahead of attacks.