Every attack poses a question. Do you have answers?
The mandate for security teams is clear—defending their organizations against cyber threats. What’s less clear is are their plans effective.
Join us at RSA Conference to find out how secure you really are – using the solutions you already have and demystify your defense.

It’s 10 PM – do you know what your security controls are doing?
We do! Join us at one of our activities throughout the week:
- Tuesday, May 7 | 7-10 pm: Optiv RSA After Party
Request a Meeting or Demo
Want to chat with our on-site cyber risk experts during RSA? Request a meeting or demo today!

Guy Bejerano
CEO & Co-Founder

Itzik Kotler
CTO & Co-Founder

Raman Kumar
Chief Customer Officer

Tim Disch
VP of Sales

Francisco Najera
Sales Engineering Manager