SafeBreach is thrilled to be recognized today by the Business Intelligence Group, which has just announced us as a 2022 Fortress Cyber Security Awards-winner in the Compliance category. This annual industry awards program seeks to identify and reward the world’s leading cybersecurity companies and products working to keep data and electronic assets safe among a growing threat from hackers.
“We are so proud to name SafeBreach as a winner in the 2022 Fortress Cyber Security Awards program,” said Maria Jimenez, Chief Nominations Officer, Business Intelligence Group. “As our society continues to evolve and become more reliant on networks and data, companies like SafeBreach are critical at providing the protection and trust consumers demand.”
For the global SafeBreach team, this award serves as a testament to our drive for excellence and relentless passion for success. We couldn’t be prouder—and we’re just getting started in demonstrating the power of using continuous security validation to leverage real-world attacks that deliver real-world results.
Want to see our Fortress Cyber Security Award-winning breach and attack simulation (BAS) platform in action? Request a demo with one of our cybersecurity experts today.
For more information about the annual Fortress Cyber Security Awards, please visit https://www.bintelligence.com/fortress-cyber-security-awards.